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Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Wirtschaftsinformatik / Angewandte Informatik >> Bereich Angewandte Informatik >> Lehrstuhl für Informationsvisualisierung >>

  VIS-Sem-M: Masterseminar Informationsvisualisierung - Text and Visualization

Prof. Dr. Fabian Beck, Shahid Latif

Rein Präsenz
2,00 SWS, first session on Oct 19 will be held remotely (see VC)
Zeit und Ort: Mi 12:00 - 14:00, WE5/02.005
vom 11.1.2023 bis zum 8.2.2023

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Requirments: None.

Beneficiaries: Basic knowledge in visualization, human-computer-interaction, or machine learning and data science can be beneficial.

Registration: This course takes part in the central registration: https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/course/view.php?id=24052

Focus Topic in Winter 2022/2023: Text and Visualization

While a visualization is worth a thousand words, also the importance of words inside visualizations cannot be neglected. Text and visualizations act as complementary representations. For instance, visualization allows seeing patterns in large textual corpora. However, often, visualizations are complex, and text can play a role in unwinding this complexity in many ways. Similarly, to further ease up the interactions with a data visualization, natural language interfaces (e.g., chatbots) are being adopted. In this seminar, we will take a deeper look at the state-of-the-art research happening in regard to the relationship between text and visualization.

General information:

The seminar investigates current trends in a subarea of visualization research. Based on an extensive literature review, different visualization approaches will be compared and evaluated. All participants work on individually assigned topics that contribute different facets to an overarching seminar topic.

Learning goals and competences:

Students learn to independently research and find the latest research results regarding a given research topic in applied computer science. They discuss and evaluate state-of-the-art research results and develop a deep understanding of the individual topic, its potential use and application as well as limitations. They practice methods of scientific communication in oral and written form.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
VIS-Sem-M: Master Seminar Information Visualization - Text and Visualization

Credits: 3

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15
www: https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/course/view.php?id=57729

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