Einrichtungen >> Fakultät Wirtschaftsinformatik / Angewandte Informatik >> Bereich Angewandte Informatik >> Lehrstuhl für Informationsvisualisierung >>
VIS-Proj-B: Bachelorprojekt Informationsvisualisierung - Authoring Enriched Data Comics
- Dozentinnen/Dozenten
- Shivam Agarwal, Prof. Dr. Fabian Beck
- Angaben
- Projekt
Rein Präsenz 4,00 SWS
Zeit und Ort: Di 14:00 - 18:00, WE5/02.005
- Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
- Requirements: Basic programming skills.
Beneficiaries: Basic knowledge in visualization, human-computer-interaction, or machine learning and data science can be beneficial.
Registration: This course takes part in the central registration: https://vc.uni-bamberg.de/course/view.php?id=24052
- Inhalt
- Focus in Winter 2022/2023: Authoring Enriched Data Comics
Traditional comics are a powerful medium to engage an audience and narrate a story. Building upon the concept, Data Comics narrate stories which include insights from the data. While a majority of Data Comics use concepts from traditional comics, e.g., static panels on printed pages, they do not fully explore other possibilities. For instance, integrating audio, video, and interactions in the comics. In this project, we will push the boundary of research and create multiple examples of enriched Data Comics in small teams. To achieve this, we invite students with diverse study programs who have an interest in Data Comics, storytelling, and data analysis, among others.
General Information
In the project, students explore and apply different state-of-the-art approaches of applied computer science as a practical exercise. For a given scenario, a basic interactive visualization application is to be developed in a group effort.
Learning goals and competences:
Students learn to work independently on a practical problem and to coordinate this with group members. They design an interactive application that meets the requirements of a given scenario, while understanding the possibilities offered by visual and algorithmic methods. They implement a software system as a team, recognize the challenges of such collaboration, and jointly find solutions.
- Englischsprachige Informationen:
- Title:
- VIS-Proj-B: Bachelor Project Information Visualization - Authoring Enriched Data Comics
- Credits: 6
- Zusätzliche Informationen
- Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15
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