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AISE-Sem-B: Computational Philosophy
- Dozentinnen/Dozenten
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller, Dr. Andrea Vestrucci
- Angaben
- Seminar
Rein Präsenz 2,00 SWS
Gaststudierendenverzeichnis, Modulstudium
Zeit und Ort: Mi 10:00 - 12:00, WE5/02.005
vom 17.10.2022 bis zum 10.2.2023
- Englischsprachige Informationen:
- Title:
- AISE-Sem-B
- Contents
- Leibniz had a vision: human thoughts made computable. What is real, good, beautiful, or personal identity… all facets of human thinking treated and organized as elements of calculation.
This vision had a tremendous multi-part impact:
– It fostered the development of machines to calculate (“ordinateur”, the French word for “computer,” is what makes order out of chaos).
– It established the basis for the science “prior to all others” (K. Gödel), i.e., mathematical logic.
– It influenced the so-called analytical approach in philosophy, treating propositions formally.
The interdisciplinary seminar in Computational Philosophy will embrace these three aspects. Via a clear introduction to mathematical logic topics, we will discuss how, and how far, thinking and algorithms are one thing, and can impact each other. In particular: What are the computational limits of human thought? What are the (philosophical) limits of computation? What are the future directions of making our thinking computable, and a machine thinking?
We will try to answer these questions by familiarizing ourselves with symbolic AI programs and the current research. For instance, we will deepen interpretations of AI limits; we will clarify the relationship between Gödel’s incompleteness theorems and Turing’s halting problem; we will explore metaphysical arguments, belief changes, and ethical problems in an automated reasoning environment.
Evaluation of the seminar is based on students’ attendance and presentations during the seminar.
Computer Science students will receive 3 ECTS.
- Zusätzliche Informationen
- Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15
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