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  AISE-ProjPrak-UR: Universal Reasoning (in Philosophy, Mathematics and Computer Science)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller, David Fuenmayor, Dr. Andrea Vestrucci

Rein Präsenz
6,00 SWS
Zeit und Ort: n.V.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
AISE-ProjPrak-UR: Universal Reasoning (in Philosophy, Mathematics and Computer Science)

Credits: 15

Successful participation in the course AISE-UL: Universal Logic & Universal Reasoning or another course of the AISE group (depending on the special nature of the intended project work).

In this internship, students work on changing project topics related to the content of AISE courses. As a rule, aspects of several courses of the AISE group are relevant, so that teams with students who have attended different courses complement each other well. The tasks worked on in a project internship go well beyond the scope of a normal exercise task and are worked on in groups. The result is documented and presented in a final presentation.
On successful completion, students will have
  • produced a system implementation, or a larger piece of formalised knowledge, in an application area as relevant to the AISE group
  • learned to discuss and assess challenges (including, ethical aspects) in the development of intelligent systems
  • learned to write a scientific report/paper of publishable quality (in fact, ideally the project report will lead to publications)
  • learned to work and interact in small research teams
  • developed improved critical thinking competence

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