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Modern Arabic Literature and its Global Reception II

Prof. Dr. Christian Junge

Rein Präsenz
Zeit und Ort: Di 18:15 - 19:45, SP17/01.18, KR12/00.02

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Arabischkenntnisse erforderlich (nach Absprache ggf. ohne Arabischkenntnisse belegbar)
MA CSME PSpLit4, PHist10, PHist11, PHist13(Modulprüfung: Portfolio)
MA Arabistik MA Ar 01, 02, 03 (ohne Prüfung), 05 (Prüfung Portfolio)

Research Seminar and Collaborative Project on Transregional Reading Communities on Goodreads.com
Since the emergence of social media in the early 2000s, a large number of common readers have been talking or writing about their individual experiences of reading literary texts on social platforms such as YouTube, Instagram or Goodreads every day. By sharing and discussing their interpretations and/or emotions in the (semi-)public sphere, they form epistemic and/or aesthetic reading communities that provide rich information about the social functions and cultural practices of reading literature as well as about the aesthetics and reception of literature. This research seminar focuses on transregional reading practices and digital reading communities of modern Arabic literature on the social book rating website goodreads.com. It familiarises students with the qualitative content analysis of book reviews by everyday readers from the Arab world and beyond and introduces them to the digital analysis software MAXQDA. In the context of "inquiry-based learning" (forschendes Lernen), it offers students the opportunity to develop a collaborative research project from start to finish. Ideally, the project leads to a collaborative article that is submitted to an academic journal.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Modern Arabic Literature and its Global Reception II

Credits: 5

Institution: Cultural Studies of the Middle East (Gastprofessur)

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