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Ü: TEFL Research Seminar

Prof. Dr. Theresa Summer

Präsenz/Online parallel
Zeit und Ort: Mi 16:00 - 18:00, LU19/00.09

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
This seminar is divided into three parts:
1) Seminar & research meeting for the ELT Survey with students and international partners: 26.09.2022 (13:00-15:00) & 27.09.2022 (9:00-12:00)
2) Seminar cooperation (Blockseminar) with the University of Wuerzburg (Prof. Dr. Maria Eisenmann): 7.10.2022 (12:00-18:00) & 8.10.2022 (10:00-14:00) (a separate plan will be provided)
3) Seminar in Bamberg: 23.11.2022 (16:15-17:45), 30.11.2022 (16:15-17:45), 01.02.2023 (16:15-17:45), 08.02.2023 (16:15-17:45)

This research seminar aims to provide a forum for exploring central aspects of TEFL research. Advanced students and PhD students are given the opportunity to present and discuss their research projects (e.g. Zulassungsarbeiten, PhD theses). In addition, we will explore TEFL research methodologies in an international context. The final objective of this seminar is to investigate current trends in TEFL by identifying key goals of current conferences and symposia, discussing new publications, and to examine current research projects at a local and global scale.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
TEFL Research Seminar

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