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MA: Hauptseminar Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft II: Using Quantitative Text Analysis to Study Parliamentary Representation (Do, 18-20)

Dipl.-Pol. Lucas Geese

2 SWS, Attention: Deadline for registration is April 19, 2020!
Zeit und Ort: Do 18:00 - 20:00, RZ/01.02

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Attention: Deadline for registration is April 19, 2020!

Modul wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.

BA in Political Science or equivalent qualification in Political Science. Additional note for exchange students: This module requires some prior knowledge of Political Science and Comparative Politics. It is not recommended for students without some knowledge of Statistics. Familiarity with the software R & RStudio would be advantageous.

Assessment/Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises:
In case of classroom teaching: Evaluation will be a combination of a seminar presentation (25%) and one term paper (75%; 8,000 – 10,000 words).
In case of online teaching: Evaluation will be one longer term paper (8,000 – 10,000 words) The term paper’s language is left to the discretion of the student (English or German).

ECTS credits: 8

Parliamentary representation is key to the functioning of modern Western democracies. Thus, the study of legislators’ and parties’ behavior in parliament is an import area of political science. For example, researchers of parliaments commonly ask whether and how legislators are responsive to the issues and political positions of citizens when debating in parliament. Alternatively, they ask to what extent legislators have a local constituency focus when asking questions to the government. Researchers also commonly ask whether and how legislators respond to the needs of disadvantaged social groups, for example women, immigrants or persons with disabilities. Given that a lot of parliamentarians’ behavior is traceable in official parliamentary records, there is a wealth of textual data available which allow studying these questions. In this module, participants will learn how to use quantitative methods of text analysis to study the representative behavior of legislators.
Given the current uncertainties in relation to the Covid-19 epidemic and necessary adjustments of university teaching, online teaching may have to be the modus operandi.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Seminar-based module for M.A. students "Comparative Politics" II

Credits: 8

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 10

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