Informationssystem der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg © Config eG 

Englisch: Sprachpraxis B2: Academic Speaking


Sprachpraktische Ausbildung
Rein Online
Studium Generale

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
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Sofern nicht in einem früheren Semester bereits ein Modul ‚Englisch: Sprachpraxis‘ für Hörer aller Fakultäten (HaF) belegt wurde,
muss vor Semesterbeginn ein Einstufungstest („HaF-Placementtest“) absolviert werden.

This course is for students wishing to develop and improve skills and confidence
for speaking English in a variety of settings (both public and academic).
There is a strong emphasis on pronunciation and intonation in each class.
The course will first focus on impromptu speaking (spontaneous and unrehearsed)
which is helpful in discussion groups, in class and in various other unplanned speaking situations.

Students will participate in numerous activities designed to encourage creative, on-the-spot speaking which make speaking without a plan much less frightening.
We will also focus on planned, i.e., rehearsed, speaking, and the related presentation skills needed for speaking condfidently in front of an audience.
Students will create short organized and effective presentations (narrative , informative, persuasive [in both a presentation and a debate]) .
Students will also learn how to make a report and the lauguage needed to do so.
Active participation in all activities is necessary in order to improve speaking skills.

Final Grade = presentations (impromptu, narrative, persuasive)and a report on a current event 15% each = 75%
In-class speaking activities = 25%

Empfohlene Literatur
wird im Kurs bekanntgegeben

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 3

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Do  12:00 - 14:00  n.V.
Jean Linehan
UnivIS ist ein Produkt der Config eG, Buckenhof