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What is Kemalism? [Import]

Prof. Dr. Christoph Herzog

2 SWS, Anmeldung über FlexNow!
Zeit und Ort: Do 14:15 - 15:45, U11/00.22

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Die Lehrveranstaltung kann in folgenden Bereichen belegt werden:
  • MA Turkologie: Fachwissenschaftliche Module

Kemalism has been the decisive discoursive political framework of the Republic of Turkey. Yet it is as omnipresent as its basal character seems to be evasive. It has been discussed whether Kemalism is a complete ideological framework or a rather patchy set of political practices; it has been both a much celebrated and a harshly criticized political orientation. The course will try to assess the origins and perspectives of Kemalism by reading and discussing source and secondary literature both in Turkish and in English. Reading knowledge of Turkish or a basic knowledge of Turkish history is desirable. The second part of the class is dedicated to the reading, translation and discussion of relevant primary literature regarding Kemalism in Turkish.

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