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Re-thinking the Body in British and German Modernism

Dr. Robert Craig

2 SWS, An-/Abmeldung über FlexNow: 01.02.2019 (08:00 Uhr) bis 26.04.2019 (23:59 Uhr); An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung über FlexNow: 17.06.2019 (10:00 Uhr) bis 12.07.2019 (23:59 Uhr)
Zeit und Ort: Di 16:15 - 17:45, U5/02.22

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen/Conditions of participation

B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Abgeschlossenes Basismodul Britische und Amerikanische Kulturwissenschaft
Lehrämter (neu): GYM Abgeschlossenes Basismodul Landeskunde/Kulturwissenschaft

Modulzugehörigkeit/Module applicability

B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Aufbaumodul Britische und Amerikanische Kultur: Seminar Britische Kultur (6 ECTS)
B.A. Anglistik/Amerikanistik: Ergänzungsmodul (ab WS 2014/15; je nach Belegung des Faches 6, 4 oder 3 ECTS)
Lehrämter (neu): GYM Aufbaumodul; GYM Wahlpflichtmodul (Kombination mit Russisch); Kulturwissenschaft: Seminar Britische Kultur (5 ECTS)
Erasmus and other visiting students: Seminar (6 ECTS)

The module will be examined by a short (20-minute) presentation, and a term paper (word limit: 4,000 words). The deadline for the term paper will be Monday, 30 September, 2019.

Bitte lesen Sie auch gründlich die Informationen zum Semester auf unserer Website./Please also read carefully the information on the semester which is on our website.

“Das Ich ist nicht Herr im eigenen Haus.” Sigmund Freud’s famous dictum first appeared in his 1917 essay, ‘Eine Schwierigkeit in der Psychoanalyse’. The quotation itself neatly encapsulated the burgeoning science of psychoanalysis, which aimed to investigate the unconscious, irrational and sexual dimensions to human existence. However, it also spoke to a broader crisis of identity and selfhood in modernity. In the wake of Darwin and Nietzsche, it was clear that reason and rationality had lost its sovereignty over the body: human beings were both descended from the animal kingdom, and – despite a thin veneer of civilization – intimately entangled with it. Above all, the decades around the turn of the nineteenth century saw significant scientific and cultural challenges to the ideal of a stable and unified ‘self’. Literary writers were becoming more preoccupied than ever before with the tensions between soul and body, mind and matter, and gender and sexuality.

In this seminar, we shall examine (re-)conceptions and portrayals of ‘the body’ in fin-de-siècle and modernist literature, in English and German. The course will begin with an overview of the cultural and historical contexts; and we shall read selections from key theoretical texts, for example by Freud and Judith Butler. Our discussions of the literary texts will then take a thematic approach. Beginning with ‘Bodies and Ghosts’, we shall read Henry James’s spine-tingling ghost story, The Turn of the Screw (1899) as a negotiation between the natural and the supernatural, the ‘mad’ and the normal. We shall then consider transformed, alienated, and animalized bodies in Franz Kafka’s Die Verwandlung (1915) and ‘Ein Hungerkünstler’ (1922). The relationship between the body, its dreams, and its desires will come into focus in Arthur Schnitzler’s Traumnovelle (1926), adapted for the cinema by Stanley Kubrick as Eyes Wide Shut (1999). Finally, we shall discuss Virginia Woolf’s extraordinary historical fiction Orlando: A Biography 1928). Dedicated to Woolf’s lover Vita Sackville-West, this short novel is an ode to the queer body in history: a playful and insightful meditation on the slipperiness of gender roles and identities in modernity.

We shall discuss the English-language texts in English, and the German-language texts in German.

Empfohlene Literatur
Primary Texts:

Please buy the texts in the editions stated, and read at least The Turn of the Screw, Die Verwandlung and 'Ein Hungerkünstler' by the start of the second session.

James, Henry, The Turn of the Screw, ed. with an Introduction and Notes by T. J. Lustig (Oxford: Oxford World’s Classics, 2008).

Kafka, Franz, Die Verwandlung (Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1999).

Schnitzler, Arthur, Traumnovelle. Fräulein Else. Leutnant Gustl (Berlin: Insel Verlag, 2012).

Woolf, Virginia, Orlando, ed. with an Introduction and Notes by Michael H. Whitworth (Oxford: Oxford World’s Classics, 2015).

Secondary Texts:

Please consult selectively!

Engel, Manfred and Bernd Auerochs (eds), Kafka-Handbuch: Leben-Werk-Wirkung (Metzler Verlag: Stuttgart, 2010).

Freedman, Jonathan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Henry James (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998).

Kaul, Susanne, Einführung in das Werk Franz Kafkas (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgemeinschaft, 2010).

Lorenz, Dagmar, 'The Self as Process in an Era of Transition: Competing Paradigms of Personality and Character in Schnitzler’s Works', in Dagmar Lorenz (ed.), A Companion to the Works of Arthur Schnitzler (New York: Camden House, 2003).

Schwarz, Egon, ‘A Puzzle and an Enigma: Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut and Arthur Schnitzler’s Traumnovelle’, Modern Austrian Literature, Vol. 34 No. 1/2, 2001, 103-112.

Sellers, Susan (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, 2nd edn, ed. Susan Sellers (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).

Other texts will be made available on the Virtual Campus. Texts will be uploaded in the course of the semester, shortly before the relevant seminar sesion is due to take place. Please note that you alone are responsible for knowing and keeping track of information made available to you in printed documents and on the Virtual Campus. Needless to say that your active and regular participation is expected. Absences will be excused when they result from circumstances beyond students’ control (illness, family emergency, religious holiday).

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 6

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Britische Kultur

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