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„Voiced or Voiceless? Egyptian Women's Writings in the Classroom“ [Import]

Safinaz Saad, M.A.

Rein Präsenz

Studium Generale, Gender und Diversität, Kultur und Bildung
Zeit und Ort: Fr 12:00 - 16:00, SP17/01.18; Fr 14:00 - 16:00, Raum n.V.; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Vorbesprechung am 21.10.2022 um 12.15 Uhr

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Modulanbindungen: Bitte melden Sie sich für diese Veranstaltung zeitnah per E-Mail beim jeweiligen Dozenten an oder schreiben Sie sich in FlexNow ein.
MA Arabistik: MA Ar 01 (ohne Prüfung), MA Ar 02, MA Ar 03, MA Ar 05 (all mit oder ohne Prüfung), MA Ar 09, MA Ar 12
BA Islamischer Orient: Vertiefungsmodul I, Vertiefungsmodul II, Intensivierungsmodul
EliteMA CSME: PSpLit3, PSpLit4

An-/Abmeldung in FlexNow 01.10.2022 bis 31.10.2022.

An-/Abmeldung zur Prüfung in FlexNow 16.01.2023 bis 30.01.2023.

Within the viewpoint of literature as a transcending and sophisticated tool of speech for national cultures, Egyptian women’s writings in the 20th and 21st centuries have emerged to not only reflect on the women's conditions in Arab/Egyptian societies, but they are also vessels for reflecting on these societies from historical, political, and socio-cultural perspectives. Despite having a large and diversified body of literature, critical and pedagogical approaches to Egyptian Arab women's writings have seen limitations for many reasons. This contributed to problematizing the representation of women’s voices and, by extension, subjectivity. Using intersectionality as a methodology, students in this seminar will be dealing with selected novels by Egyptian authoresses as well as critical writings that address the framing and interpretation of Egyptian women's literature and question the politics and challenges that could be applied to teaching Arab women literature, at large, inside and outside its medium.

Empfohlene Literatur
Critical studies: Arabic Literature for the Classroom edited by Muhsin J. al-Musawi.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
„Voiced or Voiceless? Egyptian Women Writings in the Classroom“

Institution: Cultural Studies of the Middle East (Gastprofessur)

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