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S (BA): Sex(uality): What can Political Philosophers say about that?

Daniel Mayerhoffer

Gender und Diversität, All topics in the course are strongly related to gender and diversity issues because in the discussions, we scrutinize current social and political institutions to identify discriminatory practices and find alternative arrangements to avoid these practices. Thereby, we will look at immediate cases of discrimination against women or queer people but also discriminatory practices that inhibit freedom in general but disproportionately affect marginalised groups. All student essays also tackle these issues. The literature to be read in the seminar has been selected predominantly from by non-male authors.
Zeit und Ort: Mi 16:00 - 18:00, FMA/00.07

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Please register for the seminar via Flexnow (the “Prüfung”, not the “Lehrveranstaltung”) by October 12, noon. You will receive a note of admittance from the instructor on October 14. Your enrolment is guaranteed only after that note.

For assessment, students are required to submit a take home exam in the form of regular submissions throughout the term. These submissions will be four short essays and four reading reactions.

Trigger warning
The course will cover a number of sensitive topics. To support each individual student’s well-being, the course is designed cautiously and there will be someone available to talk to after classes. However, avoiding triggers is impossible given the seminar topic. Hence, if you are not sure whether it is a good idea to join the course, do not hesitate to contact Daniel Mayerhoffer (mailto:daniel.mayerhoffer@uni-bamberg.de, the course instructor) or Dr. Carolin Stange (mailto:carolin.stange@uni-bamberg.de).

The course discusses the role of the state and civil society in regulating its citizen’s sex lives. We will explicate the relationship between individual ethical judgements or shared moral understandings and a justification for regulations. Moreover, we will explore how practical epistemic obstacles can hinder ideal legal responses to problematic actions and how one should deal with the resulting critical situations.
The debates will focus on selected exemplary topics from the field: Sexual violence, paedophilia, queerness, faithfulness/”cheating” in relationships, sexwork and political sexuality. Each topic will be discussed in two consecutive sessions: In the first one, we will try to develop an answer to the political question ourselves and in the second one, we will critically read a text to compare our own answers against.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 25

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Politikwissenschaft, insbes. Politische Theorie

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