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  Researching endangered languages

Laurentia Schreiber

benoteter Schein
Studium Generale, Seminar für das Mastermodul 3 "Soziolinguistik der Minderheitensprachen" im MA "General Linguistics" und das Mastermodul PLing 2 "Focus on theory in language variety and change" im Elite MA "Cultural Studies of the Middle East" sowie das Vertiefungsmodul im BA-NF "Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft"
Zeit und Ort: Di 12:15 - 13:45, SP17/02.19

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
  • The lecture will be in English.
  • FlexNow-Anmeldung ab dem 01.10.

MA “General Linguistics”, Mod. 3: 8 ECTS, 240h
MA “Cultural Studies of the Middle East”, PLing2: 5 ECTS, 150h
BA “General Linguistics”, VM: 8 ECTS, 240h
-Written term paper, due 07 April 2020
Page numbers:
MA “General Linguistics”, 15-20p., 4.500-6.000 words
MA “Cultural Studies of the Middle East”, 10-13p., 3.400-4.000 words
BA “General Linguistics”,12-15p., 3.500-4.500 words

-Oral presentation, 20+10min discussion

  • students can point out and put into relation factors of language vitality and maintenance
  • students are able to critically discuss sociolinguistic aspects of language endangerment such as language policies and linguistic (community) rights
  • students can sketch basic principles of the process of language shift and identify linguistic structures particular prone to language contact or change
  • students are able to independently develop a research question and design and conduct a research study related to the course topic

The research area of language endangerment has become a hot and urgent topic since Krauss (1992) pointed out that 90% of the world’s 7,000 languages will till the end of this century be in danger of dying out. In this course, we will investigate the reasons for that decline in linguistic diversity, exploring which languages are endangered and what are the factors threatening the existence of languages. We will discuss ways to deal with language endangerment and loss and we will touch upon relevant ethical and cultural questions such as: Whom does a language belong to? And why bother when languages die? Apart from these sociolinguistic questions, we will have a look at the structural side of language endangerment, namely what language loss can teach us about language change and even language acquisition. According to interest, we may have an introduction to practical aspects of researching endangered languages, in particular about how to conduct linguistic fieldwork and to do language documentation.

Empfohlene Literatur
Introductory readings
Austin, Peter K. & Julia Sallabank. (2011). Introduction. In Peter K. Austin & Julia Sallabank (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages, 1-24. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Krauss, Michael E. 1992. The world’s languages in crisis. Language 68(1). 4-10.

Englischsprachige Informationen:
Credits: 8

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15

Institution: Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

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