PWM-VP-HS3: Far Right Parties and Their Electorate (Mo 12-14)
- Dozent/in
- Dr. Alexander Herzog
- Angaben
- Seminar
Rein Präsenz 2 SWS, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mo 12:00 - 14:00, FMA/00.08
- Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
- Prerequisites/Voraussetzungen: BA or equivalent qualification in Political Science.
Registration/Deregistraton/An-/Abmeldung in FlexNow!: 02 April 2024/10:00 bis 28 April 2024/23:59
Start/Beginn: 15 April 2024
Assessment/Erwerb eines Leistungsnachweises: Portfolio consisting of a term paper and oral and written reports.
Consulation hours during semester on demand/Sprechstunden im Semester nach vorheriger Vereinbarung: alexander.herzog(at)uni-bamberg.de
- Inhalt
- In many European political systems, far-right parties have gained electoral strength in recent years. In this seminar, we will explore theoretical and empirical research on far-right parties and their electorate from a comparative perspective. We will begin by addressing conceptual issues and differences in the ideological traits of the far right. We will then examine explanations for the electoral success of far-right parties and their impact on party competition, public opinion, and policies.
- Empfohlene Literatur
- Mudde, Cas. Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Arzheimer, Kai. "Contextual factors and the extreme right vote in Western Europe, 1980–2002." American Journal of Political Science 53.2 (2009): 259-275.
Golder, Matt. "Far right parties in Europe." Annual Review of Political Science 19 (2016): 477-497.
- Englischsprachige Informationen:
- Title:
- PWM-VP-HS3: Far Right Parties and Their Electorate
- Credits: 8
- Zusätzliche Informationen
- Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20
- Institution: Lehrstuhl für Empirische Politikwissenschaft
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